From The Industry

DJ Justice calls on NGOs, Creatives and General Public to support ‘Mephibosheth in Ghana’

On Tuesday, December 15, award winning disc jockey, DJ Justice made a visit to the Mephibosheth Training Centre for the Physically and Mentally Challenged.

It’s almost the climax of 2020 despite the many obstacles faced by creatives all around the world.

Even in the worst situation, which in the case of Ghanaian Artiste Disc Jockey, DJ Justice who lost his mother, just as every thoughtful religious person knows, life is paramount amongst all the blessings from God.


Supported by friends and well-wishes, the young DJ presented palliatives to aid with the upkeep of the students with special needs.

Mephibosheth in Ghana’s main goal is to educate and train children living with disabilities to become productive members of the society.

In a post on his official Instagram page, Justice Kweku Essuman known as DJ Justice extends his plight to the general public, NGOs and all bodies willing to assist this establishment to enhance the livity of these special children.

Kindly reach out to Hannah on 0543361484 to lend your supportive hand in catering for these students.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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